

资讯 >独家

凤凰艺术 作者:Kate Sierzputowski2016-05-06 16:14

参加享誉全球的国家地理旅行者摄影大赛的摄像师目前正在提交参赛作品,报名时间截止到2016年 5月 27日。先来欣赏一部分令人惊艳的参赛作品吧。头脑中设想一幅皑皑白雪覆盖下的荒山以及拥挤不堪的大都市的画面,全图没有一丝绿意盎然的色彩。此次获奖选手可获得大赛提供的双人7日加拿大丘吉尔北极熊摄影之旅。

Whilst on a road trip in Iceland, we stumbled across a sea of old lava flows that has, over the centuries, been blanketed in thick, green layer of moss.


Spring season in japan, People love to walk in this blue carpet flowers (Nemophila blue flowers) at Hitachi seaside park Ibaraki.

日本春暖花开的季节,人们喜欢到茨城日立海滨公园的蓝色地毯花下散步(Nemophila 蓝色喜林草),摄影:达尼洛  / 国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品

During a snow storm I decided to head over to Bryce Canyon NP and enjoy the freshly fallen snow. Visibility was down to almost zero, but then I found this single tree right next to a snow drift and knew this would be my shot.


This picture was taken during Mt. Bromo eruption, the horse seems a little agitated due to the sound of the eruption.

这张照片拍摄的时候正值印尼布罗莫火山喷发,由于火山喷发的声响,马儿似乎有点受惊了,摄影:雷诺  /国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品

Stunning peaks & thousands of King Penguins on South Georgia in soft early sunrise. The photography challenge was to resist shooting only Penguin close-ups (very tempting for sure) & step back occasionally to be equally amazed by the landscape in which they live. Special Bonus: It was 100 years to the month that Shackeltonís boat (Endurance) finally went under the Antarctic pack ice (Nov 1915), precipitating his epic traverse of South Georgia, before finding help at nearby Stromness (1916).

叹为观止的山峰 & 成千上万只南乔治亚国王企鹅沐浴在清晨的日出。摄影最大挑战在于怎么拍摄一张企鹅特写镜头(相当有诱惑力) &同时,把目光投向企鹅后面的居住环境,我们不得不对这美景感到惊叹。故事扩充︰ 距离 Shackeltonís 船 (耐力号)失事沉入南极浮冰已经100年了(1915年11月), 起先船只沉没在经典南乔治亚海域,最后向在附近的斯特罗姆内斯湾寻求援助(1916),摄影:Shivesh R/国家地理旅游摄影师参赛作品。

this image was captured very early in the morning after climbing Yellow Mountain at 3 am and waiting for few hours in the cold and wind at -4 degrees. no HDR and no photoshop was used for the effect of this image , everything is 100% natural . The magic of the nature did it work and I have been lucky

这张图片是我一大早3点钟爬黄山,然后在零下4度的冷风中等了几个小时后拍摄的。图像没有经过软件 HDR 和 Photosho的处理,百分百纯天然美景。大自然赐予了它美丽的魔法,我很幸运让我捕捉到这一美景,摄影:亨利 / 国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品

An hours walk on a cold Winter's morning was needed to get to this location. Looking back over the Trotternish Ridge from the Quirrang on the Isle of Skye is one of my favourite locations.

在一个寒冷的冬日早上,我花了一小时步行到达拍摄地点。我最喜欢从斯凯岛上空回望整个山脊,摄影:安迪 / 国家地理旅游摄影师参赛作品

Performances of Chinese opera are usually held in a mat-shed at the Pak Tai Temple in Taipa village. In this small temporary make-up room built solely with bamboo and iconic red-blue-white plastic bags, over 10 performers are preparing for the show.

中国戏曲表演通常是在凼仔村北帝庙一间大棚举行的。在这间临时由竹子和标志性红蓝白塑料袋搭建的小化妆室里, 10多名表演者正在进行表演准备,摄影:安东尼欧 / 国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品

Devotees carrying the palki, sedan chair, of Shiva. The Shiva's Temple, known as Khandoba locally, is a very famous temple situated in the town of Jejuri, in Maharashtra, India. Every year on the day of Somvati Amavasya - a no moon day - thousands of devotees arrives at the temple. The festival's main ritual is offering of turmeric powder by the devotees. Such large quantities of turmeric powder are used that all the devotees and the temple ground are covered in yellow colour of the turmeric.

印度湿婆神信徒乘坐轿子。湿婆神庙,本地人称做 Khandoba ,是一所非常有名的寺庙,位于印度马哈拉施特拉 Jejuri小镇。每年在第二次shahi沐浴当天— — 没有月亮的一天 — — 数以万计的信徒到达寺庙。节日当天主要仪式是信徒上供姜黄粉。当天相当多的姜黄粉主要洒在信徒身上和铺撒在地面,摄影: 阿西特·德赛(AashitDesai) / 国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品

This amazing stacked architecture of Hong Kong shows the housing of its rather dense population. It's visually striking to understand that your whole horizon is built from people's lit windows. It shocks you that each life so big and important to the person himself and his close circle looks just like a tiny star in a huge sky next to millions of the same stars.

这些惊人的堆叠式的香港建筑仅仅向我们展示了它的住房,而非密集的人口。图片给人很大的视觉冲击,仿佛你看到的只是满满的万家灯光,让我们不禁感叹,生命对每个人来说都是如此伟大,每个人的生活圈子看起来就只是一颗浩瀚宇宙的小星星,与数以百万计的星星相邻,摄影:维穆尔林(Wimmerlin) / 国家地理旅行摄影师参赛作品。

